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Using the Data Lake

This guide is made to give you an overview on how you can use and access the Data Lake. With ITBI™ Data Lake access you can do the analysis of your choice directly on your data and with the tools of your choice.

What data is in the Data Lake?

MXG-like Tables:

  • Only selected fields from the SMF types we support
  • Same naming and structure as MXG

Raw SMF in Tables:

  • Essentially all fields from all SMF types we support
  • Mostly decoded
  • Same naming and structure as standard IBM SMF names

Raw SMF files:

  • As sent from the customer

Ways of working with the Data Lake

Direct access from the ITBI portal using Amazon Athena

  • Prototyping
  • Ad hoc queries
  • Hosted by SMT Data

Programs using a remote ODBC connection

  • Programming
  • Re-use of existing SAS/MXG
  • Any language that supports remote ODBC
  • Hosted at by the customer

What can the Data Lake be used for?

General Use Cases

  • Reporting on recent data – within minutes of data being received by SMT Data
  • Reporting on fields that are not supported in the cubes
  • Reporting on details that are aggregated away in the cubes
  • Reporting on ‘event’ based data
  • Complex logic or calculations that is not easily implemented in the BI tool
  • Graphics or formatting not supported in the BI tool
  • Integration with customer or third-party systems

Raw tables

  • Reporting on fields that are not supported in the cubes
  • Reporting on details that are aggregated away in the cubes
  • Reporting on ‘event’ based data
  • Requires a good understanding of SMF

MXG-like tables

  • Reuse of existing SAS programs that work on MXG tables, but note, only selected fields are supported
  • Taking advantage of existing skills with SAS/MXG
  • Requires a good understanding of MXG

Accessing the Data Lake

SQL from Athena
  • Log on to the Portal
  • Choose Data Lake
  • Choose AI Developer

Accessing the Raw tables

Choose the Raw Database

Choose a ‘nodup’ view based on an SMF tables

  • View names start with v_smf_*
  • The main views are named v_smf_smfyyyzz_nodup
  • Where yyy is the SMF number
  • And zz is the subtype
  • So v_smf_smf03001_nodup is SMF30 subtype 1

(Note the difference between the ‘nodup’ view and the underlying raw table is that the ‘nodup’ view removes any duplicated records)

Accessing the MXG-like Tables

Choose the Raw Database

Choose the MXG-like views

  • View names start with v_smtmxg_*
  • In general, the views follow the mxg naming conventions


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You are always welcome to contact SMT Data for additional information here.