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SSO & AD integration.

In this guide you will get an overview on how the AD Integration & SSO with ITBIaaS is set up including the openID coonect authorization code flow and the IdP requirements.

OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow

IdP Requirements

IdP Discovery Document (Well-Known Configuration)

  • Discovery URL (Usually ‘/.well-known/openid-configuration’) (provided by IdP)

Client Registration Details

  • Client ID: Unique identifier for the Relying Party (provided by IdP)
  • Client Secret: Secret known only by the Relying Party and IdP (provided by IdP)
  • Redirect URIs: Allow Relying Party Callback URL (Allow by IdP)

Supported Scopes

  • ‘openid’, ‘profile’, ’email’

Claim/Attribute Mapping

  • What claims will be included from the IdP in the ID token (e.g., ‘sub’, ‘name’, ’email’)

Token Audience Restriction

  • IdP can optionally provide a ‘aud’ claim to be used by RP

User Administration in Customer AD

When User Administration is controlled in Customer AD the following conditions apply:

  • SSO must be activated between Customer AD and ITBIaaS.
  • Standard User Administration is disabled for the client in the ITBI Portal, as shown in below table.
  • When a client user, without a valid AD-Group assigned, accesses the ITBI Portal, he/she will meet an error message telling: ‘You do not have a valid license, please contact your AD-Administrator.’
  • Client must provide <AD-Group Object ID> to SMT Data for each ITBI License as shown in below table.


#ID ITBI License Description Customer AD Mapping
01 Consumer Portal Access <AD-Group Object ID>
02 BI Advanced Portal Access

Thick Client to build BI reports

<AD-Group Object ID>
03 BI Developer Portal Access

Thick Client to build BI reports

Access to publish BI reports to all users

<AD-Group Object ID>
04 AI Developer Portal Access

Data Lake Access

<AD-Group Object ID>
05 Tech Admin Access to configure data transfers

User Administrator Access

<AD-Group Object ID>


Next step

Please contact for callback URL and further instructions on how to test the flow.


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